JAAFV-Jewish Alliance Against Family Violence - Who We Are

Why donate to JAAFV?

JAAFV is a not for profit organsation that was originally funded by membership fees, donations, and small amounts of government funding. Currently, it is wholly dependent on donations from individuals, and collaboration with other organisations, to develop projects and mount community events.

The majority of our limited cash reserves goes towards presenting educational seminars and workshops, raising awareness about family violence, assisting access to support services and educating adolescents, youth and children on healthy relationships. (See our vision on the "About Us" page of the website)

Some of the special projects we are currently seeking donations for are:-

  • train the trainer educational programs to enable school based programs to be put in place to educate primary aged children in healthy relationships
  • educational programs as part of marriage preparation
  • seminars and workshops for the non-English speaking community, especially the Russian and Hebrew speaking communities
  • education of communal service providers as to the specific needs of the Jewish community
  • interfaith collaboration, exploring the commonality and diversity in educating the community on family violence
  • continuing support for rabbis and rebbetzins in dealing with family violence in the community.

A donation could be any amount over $2 for which a receipt will be issued to the donor.

The Jewish Alliance Against Family Violence Inc (ABN 97 482 236 077) is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a Harm Prevention Charitable Institution and as a Deductible Gift Recipient.

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please contact:
Jane Dinte, Treasurer, Jewish Alliance Against Family Violence Inc.,
on  0418-246-596

or send a cheque or money order made out to Jewish Alliance Against Family Violence Public Fund to:
8/69-87 Dangar Street Randwick  NSW  2031

or make an electronic payment:
Bank: Westpac
Account Name: Jewish Alliance Against Family Violence Public Fund
BSB: 032051
Account Number: 186390

Donations over $2 are tax deductible, so please include the full name of the donor in the payment, and follow-up with an email to info@jaafv.org.au to provide contact details to which a receipt can be sent.


JAAFV welcomes approaches for general sponsorship of an event or a specific project.

If you would like further information regarding sponsorship, or have any other questions, please contact us at info@jaafv.org.au.

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